Sunday, September 27


there are various catchy quizzes with ridiculous results available on Facebook network which are pretty interesting to try and now I think Facebook has just turned into Quizbook, what do you think? LOL

Wednesday, June 3

Monday, May 11


so lucky me, i seem to have been on the front line for the new wave of
'defender-review' trojans. (always ahead of fashion...)
i think i picked it up on kaskus blahh. it shows up as a window that pops up telling you WINDOWS
FIREWALL HAS FOUND TROJAN.ZLOB.G and that it can't help
you remove it, but to click for something that will.
a similar 'insecure browsing' message appears on iExplorer
and Firefox when you open them. they look like windows messages,
but the big clue for me was i didn't even have Windows Firewall ON
because i had 2 others running. the other clue was that it wouldn't
let you click 'keep blocking' or the other option, only the option to
'enable protection', which takes you to a 'SafeSoft' page for a fake
piece of software, most likely to get your credit card number and give
you bogus code. hackers are working harder for your credit card numbers
right now because this is the easiest time to get them.
please be careful. if you do get defender-review, i can say neither
symantec nor spybot could remove it yet, as it is too new and
USER SPECIFIC, unlike other incarnations
(it hides in your user registry keys, not the overall ones.)
since i have a log-on id, we had to sack that id and create a new one, which allowed me to keep my files, but i lost all user information. it could have been worse.

p.s : BANZAAAAAI! for obake house hahaha

Wednesday, April 22


is there such a thing as overuse of social networking tools? in the online world, is the notion of a public/private divide simply not applicable?

stalk me on twitter : @agannyi

Tuesday, April 21

right from wrong

sometimes i feel like silence is the key to keeping me safe. then sometimes when you try not to talk about it. it still tends to make things unsafe. i feel like this sometimes when things go well for me. for a brief moment i feel safe and happy then out of the blue. things happen and i feel what i believe to be sadness and sorrow. but now as i've grown older i've decided to take a logical approach to things. and it seems to help clear something s up, that in the end your mind will play tricks on you. also that crack about making cupcake from cup is somewhat true. to quote the wise once said to always follow your heart cause every decisions that we make in life always have two sides, the negative and the positive. it doesn't matter if the decision you made has more negative side than the positive or the other way around. as long as you put your mind on the positive side and always learn from the negative side, the conclusion of your life will be always beautiful.

Thursday, April 9


Most of the rich farmland and good ports are in the east and particularly the southeast, except for the area around Perth in Western Australia. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide are the leading industrial and commercial cities. There was considerable industrial development in the last two decades of the 20th cent. While the Australian economy fell into a severe recession in the late 1980s, it experienced an extended period of growth beginning in the 1990s. It then suffered somewhat from the Asian economic slump of the 1990s and from the “Big Dry” drought of the early 21st cent.

Australia is highly industrialized, and manufactured goods account for most of the gross domestic product. Its chief industries include mining (much of which is accomplished with the aid of Japanese capital), food processing, and the manufacture of industrial and transportation equipment, chemicals, iron and steel, textiles, machinery, and motor vehicles. Australia has valuable mineral resources, including coal, iron, bauxite, copper, tin, gold, silver, uranium, nickel, tungsten, mineral sands, lead, zinc, natural gas, and petroleum; the country is an important producer of opals and diamonds.

The country is self-sufficient in food, and the raising of sheep and cattle and the production of grain have long been staple occupations. Tropical and subtropical produce—citrus fruits, sugarcane, and tropical fruits—are also important, and there are numerous vineyards and dairy and tobacco farms.

Australia maintains a favorable balance of trade. Its chief export commodities are metals, minerals, coal, wool, beef, mutton, cereals, and manufactured products. The leading imports are machinery, transportation and telecommunications equipment, computers and office machines, crude oil, and petroleum products. Australia's economic ties with Asia and the Pacific Rim have become increasingly important, with Japan, China, and the United States being its main trading partners.

Thursday, March 19


what a month for march.. just a quick blog, i miss typing on my blogs. i miss having random thoughts on experiences that just came to me or passed me by and writing about it.

i haven't had an opportunity to make time to compose a blog cause of my lack internet connection. the mid test week is here and it's a lot of work for any students in UI. as for me being me, i'm doing alright most of the times. other times could be overwhelming. and it's getting so hard to wake up early morning with a powerful wind brzzt and okay okay as of right now, it's a very good idea to go to bed before a long day tomorrow and have a good night ♥

always with the webcam woes

i have the worst luck with webcams. my last few were actually pretty damn sweet, but their deaths and the aftermaths have been just awful.a few weeks ago, I turned on my webcam and had a couple strange blinking lines going across the light. after messing with settings, i found that they would only go away if i turned the brightness all the way up. it really wasn't so bad, and i got used to it pretty fast. then, one day, everything went black. turning it off and on a few times seemed to fix it but after that, it would go black at random times, usually when video calling. to fix it, i'd have to turn it off, count to 30, and turn it back on. very inconvenient errmmm

so... today i went to ambasador mall searching for a replacement and i got it.. my new webcam :D

Sunday, February 15

major fever

so i made it home saturday night, just in time.. yeah i got sick. some fever thing wasn't pretty. i started getting sick friday. noticed a scratchy throat, that turned into major headache that somehow warped into a fever. as my headache began to clear. i noticed that i was feeling tingling around my nose, i was very dizzy and light headed even though my fever had passed. my mom did some research on the new meds my allergist put me on for.. well allergies, and determined i was having some pretty serious side effect from one of the pills errmm thingy. i stopped taking the pill which seemed to make me worse.

Thursday, February 5

garage sale

this friday and saturday we will be having a garage sale!!! me and amanda will be running it!
from zara, (x)s.m.l, mango, junkfood etcetera-etcetera
we would love you to see and buy stuff, better yet you could see
and have fun. since you are all my peeps all let you in on a secret, if you order on sunday everything will be hella cheaper. we may even give you free lovely hand made canvas bag! for those of you who dont remember about our earth getting warmer
please take a look and feel free to ask us at
if you need directions let me know!!! come on we have so much crap!!

Thursday, January 29

is this for real?

guessing it's just no use trashing junk but wait! i got a letter from australian embassy about application and requirements!! and it makes me feel like dancing on the moon.

Dear Lia:
You've got the grades. You've certainly got the PSAT score. And now got a E-mail
from us. Maybe you're suprised. Most students would be.

But you're not most students. And that's exactly why I urge you to consider
carefully one of the most selective universities in Australia

The level of potential reflected in your performance is a powerful indicator
that you might well be an excellent candidate for ADS. It certainly got my attention!

It may surprise you we offer economy major fields (perhaps the best program in the country)

Send us your wishing letter, essay, IELTS score, guaranteed admission and full scholarship to increase your chance
of being selected by us.


Gerard Michael

Wednesday, January 28

three fucking words

you know i love you..

if there were three words to describe how i feel, it would be 'I love You' and i don't care, i really do.

picture taken by: timmellya, my sweet hungarian friend. köszönhetően az ezen a képen :)

Sunday, January 25


have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry and finally found that one you've given your heart to only to find that one won't give their heart to you?

all i really feel is the sick all over in my belly, it's the last thing i feel when i go to sleep. is this feeling gonna get better? i hate this feeling huhuhu. why everything have to be so hard all the time? deeply.

Saturday, January 10

whispering you

my dear arif, i love you...

Thursday, January 8

want you to know

i want you to know you make me happy
i want you to know you make me sad
i want you to know you make me happy
you were the best thing that i ever had.
(freelance hellraiser - want you to know)

Thursday, January 1


happy new year, i'm so happy right now. arif will come home around january and i'm so so so excited, i can't wait to see him again. something i've been dreaming about and hoping for and wishing for a year :D

and i love you, i love you, i love you.

big hug xx